Handwriting Analysis
by Angela

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"How do I know what I think until I see what I say?"

-E.M. Forster


Your Handwriting Sample

 To obtain the most accurate analysis possible, please follow the instructions below:


What to write about? Anything you want: yourself, your dreams, the weather, friends, but please don't copy a memorized verse or poem.
Angela Neik
14634 Reforma Dr.
Dallas, TX 75254


***Please include a check or money order payable to Angela Neik.




                   Complete Written Personal Analysis..........................................$75

                   Relationship Compatibility Profile (2 analyses)......................$150

                   Signature only..............................................................................$25

                   Family Analysis (up to 4 analyses)..........................................$350

                  Quick Analysis (including only 7-8 traits)..................................$35

                  Parties (plus travel cost)........................................................$120/hr